Monday, January 10, 2011

Gun control or First Amendment rights...

Just which is it??
In the wake of the Giffords shooting the right wants to have it both ways.. they want to both fuel the fire and put weapons in the hands of the lunatics that will wield them without being held accountable for having been involved. Yet, there is precedent in the United States for prosecuting people who incite violence and hate speech (Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire U.S Supreme Court Decision in 1942). Not all speech is protected by the First Amendment and if you are publicly calling people to violence then there should be some accountability when violence occurs. Perhaps this particular guy never heard Sarah Palin’s call to arms... or perhaps he did but she certainly doesn’t seem to care whether she might have had some culpability in this at all. Whereas Keith Olberman immediately admitted that he once said something that might have been interpreted as a call to violence and recanted it immediately. 

Will the right change their rhetoric? No. 

Will they change their right to bear arms policies? no.

And will the left ask them to????


mshatch said...

I'm afraid I'm one of those liberals who believes in my right to bear arms. After all, one never knows when one might need them and considering the state of the world I 'm not feeling exactly hopeful. That said I think AZ gov (wasn't it him who said this?)was right in attributing some blame for the incident on the utter nastiness of politics, and the political media.

Danette said...

I don't think it was the gov you're thinking of... I think it was the sheriff. He's making quite a lot of headlines. About weapons... do you think we should make it harder for some people to get them? Or should semi-automatic weapons be banned. Are the current laws really enough?

Thanks for the comment!

mshatch said...

I think if you don't have a record you should be able to get pretty much any gun you want(with certain exceptions) - but always with a background check. ALWAYS!

and you're right - it was the Sheriff

Danette said...

Okay here's a question: if guns make you safer and protect you then how come so many policemen get shot? (Bill Maher actually asked it first, I just thought it was a good question.)Or am I assuming too much? It sounds like you want a gun to protect yourself not to fight in paramilitary unit...