Bye Bye American Pie
02 March 12
Here's the bad news. The share of that growth going to American workers is at a record low.
That's largely because far fewer Americans are
working. Although the nation is now producing more goods and services
than it did before the slump began in 2007, we're doing it with six
million fewer people.
Why? Credit technology. Computers, software applications, and the Internet are letting us produce more with fewer people.
In theory, this is a huge plus. We can live better and have more time off.
But as Tonto asked the Lone Ranger, "who's 'we,' kemosabe?"
The challenge at the heart of the productivity
revolution - and it is a revolution - is how to distribute the gains.
So far, we've been failing miserably to meet that challenge.
True, some of the gains are widely spread in the form
of lower prices and higher value. My 3-year-old granddaughter gets
more out of an i-Phone in five minutes than my 98-year-old father
ever got out of reading the daily paper (putting to one side their
relative capacities to process the information).
But many of the gains are distributed narrowly in the
form of profits to owners, and fat compensation packages to the
The share of the gains going to everyone else in the
form of wages and salaries has been shrinking. It's now the smallest
since the government began keeping track in 1947.
If the trend continues, inequality will become ever more extreme.
We'll also face chronically insufficient demand for
all the goods and services the productivity revolution can generate.
That's because the rich save more of their earnings than everyone
else, while middle and lower-income families - with fewer jobs or
lower wages - no longer have the purchasing power to keep the economy
going at full tilt. (Before 2008 they kept up their buying by
sinking deep into debt. This proved to be an unsustainable strategy.)
Insufficient demand - as everyone but regressive
supply-siders now recognize - is a big reason why the current
recovery has been so anemic and the pie isn't growing faster.
So while the productivity revolution is indubitably
good, the task ahead is to figure out how to distribute more of its
gains to more of our people.
One possibility: higher taxes on the rich that go into wage subsidies for lower-income workers, combined with job sharing.
We also need better schools (from early-childhood
through young adulthood, followed by systems of lifelong learning) so
everyone has a fair shot at a larger share of the gains.
Finally, the benefits of the productivity revolution
should be turned into more abundant public goods - cleaner air and
water, better parks and recreation, improved public health, and
better public transit.
Regressive right wingers want Americans to believe we've been living beyond our means, and can no longer afford it.
The truth is just the reverse. Most Americans' means
haven't kept up with what the economy could provide - if the fruits
of the productivity revolution were more widely shared.
Regressives growl about America's borrowing and
tut-tut about future federal budget deficits. The reality is the
world is willing to lend us vast amounts of money because we're so
productive. And the productivity revolution is making us ever more
Get it? The pie is growing again but most people
aren't getting much of a slice. That's bad even for those getting the
biggest pieces. They'd do better with smaller slices of a pie that
grew much faster.
Robert Reich is Chancellor's Professor of Public
Policy at the University of California at Berkeley. He has served in
three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor
under President Bill Clinton. He has written thirteen books, including
"The Work of Nations," "Locked in the Cabinet," "Supercapitalism" and
his latest book, "AFTERSHOCK: The Next Economy and America's Future." His 'Marketplace' commentaries can be found on and iTunes.
oh how very true - unfortunately. I was just talking about this at work with someone about how prices keep going up (regardless of the how the economy is doing) but wages and purchasing power have not kept pace. Which equals more people living from paycheck to paycheck. And all those changes suggested by Reich have a socialist sound, which conservatives LOVE to pounce on as the big bad bogey man. What they don't/won't see is how such changes might benefit everyone. These are the sort of people funding the elections this year.
I'll shut up now :)
By no means shut up! Exactly right! I get frustrated when the economists talk about things improving disregarding how real people live. I keep wondering how long it will go on before people do more than protest politely on the streets. Especially because it doesn't appear to be changing much... other than the left's feeling of satisfaction that they did "something."
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